Hey everyone! As I was going through the blogs of my classmates, I found more information about issues concerning media and society that are worth mentioning. To expand your knowledge about media issues, do not hesitate and visit the following blogs. https://socialmedia-notreallife.blogspot.com/ This blog discusses how people do not realize that the social media life is often fake. The difference between reality and life on social media is hard to distinguish for some people. They think that if others have beautiful posts, automatically their lives are full of joy, unforgettable trips and great parties. However, this is often far from the truth. Moreover, the blog mentions how social media can cause depression and mental health problems. https://evaesne.wordpress.com/ In Ev’s spot, issues such as how social media is toxic, body overpositivity and body images in media are discussed. The topic about beauty standards is very sensitive for majority of people and mostly wo...