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Current Event II

Hey, readers! I think we all found the new “Your Activity” feature on our Instagram account. Many people all around the world have problem with Instagram addiction and that influences them negatively. Nevertheless, inventors of the “Your Activity” feature hope to help with fighting this addiction. For those who do not know what is going on, let’s look at more information about this new update.

When people spend too much time on social media, and especially Instagram, they stop interacting with other people. They passively consume information, read but do not talk to others. Moreover, people can get depressed when they see that others have better posts and that can lead to negative comparison. “Your Activity” feature is supposed to help Instagram users to manage their time they spend using the app. You can set your daily limits on how much time you want to spend using Instagram. This way, inventors hope to tackle the social media addiction. When you reach your limit, the notification will be sent through the app. However, you can decide whether you wish to continue using the app or not. This feature can be found within the three-line icon at the top right of the profile page (Cuthbertson, 2018).

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt your activity on instagram

Unfortunately, you can only see time you spent using the app on that particular device you are using. It will not show you time spent on Instagram on your computer or tablet. Reminding people how much time they actually spend on social media is a good start to help them battling the addiction and make them more mindful about the issue. This feature, however, is not an actual help because it is up to people whether they decide to stop using the app after they have been reminded or not. Instagram will have to do more to keep people mindful of the time they spend using their app (Constine, 2018).

Constine, J. (2018). Facebook and Instagram now show how many minutes you use them. Retrieved from


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